Elaine Buckholtz's "Intractable" reviewed in the Boston Globe

“These are contemplative works, fuzzy edged, sometimes almost still. The grid drew me in; the stripes made me uneasy. Why? The spinning creates a frequent shadow at the center, which fits into the grid like an origin point, but reads ominously against horizontal bands, like a featureless head or a black sun. The grid, meanwhile, beats open and closed as shadows fan from the center, as dusky tones warm and cool. It's a matrix for life's rhythms.”

- “Elaine Buckholtz’s presences on a wall” by Cate McQuaid, published in the Boston Globe May 2, 2018.


Heather Rowe & Meredyth Sparks' "She's Not Here." reviewed in Big Red and Shiny

“What makes this installation most intriguing is not just its compelling material nature, but how the artists create a surprising sense of double entendre by offering the best of artistic artifice and the allure of the horror movie. The pretense of domesticity is cunningly reinforced by the gallery’s living room area alongside the installation’s homey references.”

- “A Missing Apparition at VERY” by Candice Smith Corby, published in Big, Red & Shiny, January 23, 2018

Photo by Stewart Clements

Photo by Stewart Clements